We exist to help people take their next steps with God
Our Next Steps – 4 Biblical Commitments:
We long for every person to have a connection with God through Jesus Christ and a vital connection with other believers through the local church. Jesus wants every person to have a personal relationship with Him that the Bible calls salvation. This relationship makes all believers a family; therefore, we can have a spiritual connection with each other. Ephesians 2:12-13;19
A relationship with Jesus Christ is marked by spiritual growth. This growth is not measured by knowledge alone but by the believer becoming like Christ in character. It is God's desire that we see like Jesus, think like Jesus, believe the best about people like Jesus, and react like Jesus in every circumstance. The goal of the believer is to have the mind of Christ and this work is only completed by God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4:11-15
The Bible says "whatever your hand finds to do, do it for the glory of God." God wants us to use our hands to serve Him by serving people. We believe that every member is a minister and every task is important. A life built by God is a life intentionally engaged in ministry. Loving people and sharing the love of Jesus is also done through actions of rescue and compassion....doing the good that needs doing...loving the ones who need loving. John 13:12-17
God expects those of us who believe to be on mission for Him. We are called to introduce others to Jesus Christ. A life built by God is a life that seeks to share the love of God with people wherever we are. God wants us to build authentic relationships with people in order to have the opportunity to share with them the love and grace of God. Matthew 28:19-20
These four commitments lead to:
A life built by God is a life of devotion. It is about worship. Worship is more than singing or attending a church service. It is a life that is transformed by the love of God where everything is an act of devotion and all we are and all we have is not "mine" but "His." Life is then measured by an intentional commitment in connecting, growing, serving, and sharing to be focused on Jesus Christ in all that we do. Romans 12:1-2
Why the Circle?

As the disciple’s own connection with God becomes deeper, the desire to grow in Him becomes stronger, the willingness to serve becomes greater and the commitment to share becomes higher as a result of making one’s way around this process. In this way:
Connecting leads to growing
Growing leads to serving,
Serving leads to sharing,
Sharing leads to a deeper connection and on it goes!
Once done, disciples and disciple-making churches go around the circle again! It is never enough to go around the process once. Because God is an infinite God and our world is an incredibly needy place, there is always more of God to love, more of Christ to grow to know, more needs to serve and more lost persons who need to hear!